Tower Systems

Tower systems play an essential role in broadband deployments. Careful considerations for viewshed analysis, permitting, environmental and cultural resources, wind-loading, and aesthetics are essential. The EnerTribe team has industry-leading experience in all phases of planning, engineering, funding, and construction of complex tower systems. These systems include the tower, off-grid power systems, and communication huts. When considering whether a tower system is needed, community outreach is essential. Working
with the Tribal Historic Preservation Office and tribal leadership are vital toward ensuring that the project meets the needs of your community. Towers may include monopoles, three-legged self-supporting towers, and four-legged towers. Additionally, there may be situations where towers need to resemble existing objects such as trees, buildings, huts, totem poles, and many other structures.

ENGINEERING To properly engineer a tower system, the EnerTribe team spends a great deal of time with the community and in the field to choose the optimal allocations with the least amount of visual impact and the best wireless propagation and vantage points. Our teams are well versed in obtaining R2 soils; conducting wind load and capacity; securing tower site inspections by a licensed professional engineer; and obtaining site plans for civil engineering, viewshed analyses, three-dimensional scans, and customized as-builts. As a native company, we take pride in our ability to help identify where technology and culture meet.1

PROCUREMENT EnerTribe is a registered TERO-certified preferred Native American-owned vendor, allowing more flexibility in the procurement process and saving precious time and resources. Tower systems include large quantities of equipment and part numbers. The EnerTribe administrative and procurement team work closely with tribal leadership and in-house engineers to ensure a smooth and timely project.

INSTALLATION The installation process for tower systems can be quite complex in nature. Most of our tribal territories are extremely remote with very little access.
Some tower sites may be around community infrastructure and require the support from residents. EnerTribe has the resources needed to engineer and
erect tower systems, including crane and lift operators, transport, inspections, and construction.